

Welcome to KatieWebberNYC! I'm here to inspire you to look and feel your best with clean & fresh food made easy, all while enjoying life!


Simple Kale Smoothie Bowl

Simple Kale Smoothie Bowl

Whether it's for you or your kids, everyone's looking for tasty ways to get their greens in. And since kale is soooo hot these days (and amazing for you, it's packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium & Protein, to name a few) I've created a kale smoothie bowl that is super nutritious, but tastes like ice cream! 

The key to making an incredible smoothie bowl and getting that ice cream-like consistency is frozen bananas. Buy a bunch, peel 'em, put 'em in a baggy & throw 'em in the freezer at least the night before. Game changer!! You'll always have the perfect base to a smoothie if you have frozen 'nanas on hand. And don't forget bananas are super beneficial too! Loaded with Fiber (good morning!), Potassium, Vitamin B-6 & Magnesium! 

Now for my favorite part....Almond Butter! Yummmmm. And people, don't be afraid of almond butter! Yes, it has calories, but these calories will fuel your body! Almonds are full of Vitamin E, Fiber, Manganese, and so much more! Almonds have been shown to improve blood sugar levels, and are super beneficial to cell repair and brain health. And remember how good almond butter tastes?! I mean, come on! 

I make this smoothie bowl for my baby & me to share in the morning, but it's so good, you could eat it any time of day, even for dessert! 





 Simple Kale Smoothie Bowl


  • 1 1/2 frozen bananas

  • 2 Tbsp almond butter

  • 1 large medjool date or 2 regular dates

  • 1 large handful curly kale

  • 1 pinch pink Himalayan salt*

  • 1/2 Cup coconut milk, plus a spoonful of coconut cream skimmed from top of coconut milk. I prefer canned coconut milk.*

  • 5 ice cubes

Blend & enjoy!!


*Himalayan salt has many health properties, including balancing PH & hormone levels, and reducing stress & anxiety. Smoothie will still be delicious if you don't have any:)

*Begin with 1/2 Cup of non dairy milk of choice. Add more milk for a thinner/drinkable consistency. 

Frozen banana, coconut milk, kale, almond butter,dates.

Frozen banana, coconut milk, kale, almond butter,dates.

All in the blender, with ice.

All in the blender, with ice.

Topped with Purley Elizabeth Gluten Free Blueberry Hemp Granola.

Topped with Purley Elizabeth Gluten Free Blueberry Hemp Granola.

Party Appetizer Board

Party Appetizer Board