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Easy 2-Step Orchid Care

Easy 2-Step Orchid Care

Just call me The Orchid Killer. It’s true, I have a long history of killing them, and quick! I’ve tried watering, not watering, sun, no sun, ice cubes, you name it. They all died. It wasn’t until I was speaking to my local plant-store man that I got a game changing tip. I combined his tip with my own idea, and people, my orchids are not only alive, but thriving!! I’m talking new leaves, new stems, flourishing roots, and new gorgeous blooms! I truly can’t believe it, but it’s true!

And this is something you can do right now, even if you have an orchid that you think is dying or not looking great. Both of my orchids were about to hit the garbage can (wrinkly yellow leaves, dry dead stems, dead blooms) when I figured I’d just try something new. I brought them back to life!

Ok, so my process is two simple steps…

Step One - About every two weeks (this can be weekly if your environment is super dry) fill your orchid pot with water. Completely filled. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Then drain all of the water out. Completely drain. Your orchid roots should be moist, but not sitting in water. If you are not sure about exactly how often to water, just stick with every two weeks.

Step Two - Spray your orchids with water every day. I have a little spray bottle with water that lives on my counter. I wake up, get coffee, and spray my orchids - it’s part of my routine. This step gives them that moist environment that orchids love, without being saturated.

That’s it! Personally, I have my orchids in full sun, in my window. Full sun is not necessary, but keep them in an area where they are not in the dark and some natural light is available. Please let me know how this works for you! Tag me on Insta @katiewebbernyc! Here’s a video link of me doing my 2-step process!

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